Monday, March 7, 2011

How economic Depression becomes a reality check for the society?

I feel that some of the great movie work's are based on the period of the great depression as If I can quote the example of Charlie Chaplin movies. All his movies depict lives of people during the depression time. I want to stress more on the lives of people during depression. As I don’t know what life would have been like during depression, but I know how life is when there is economic boom. The economic boom brings along with plenty of money for all, “there is enough money for everyone”. Boom creates the difference in life style. On the other side during depression, it hits everyone and makes everyone equal. Here equality means equal in economic levels. I feel depression leads people to stand on the same ground and understand the problems of each other better because all the persons will be in same state of poverty. This leads people to be able to connect better to the works done than the works done during the boom. Due to this reason some of the greatest work of modern time are based of lives of the depression and depression times brings out the best in people. We can take the modern day examples of movies like “Cinderella Man, Schindler’s List, Life is Beautiful” are few of the movies made based on life during depression which have become greatest works today. In all these movies people get to know more about the reality of life. It show everyone is touched by the when it show the reality. In depression everyone see the reality which touches the cord of pain in everyone. Sometime, depression is good for the society as it acts a scale balancing the rich & poor and as an eye opener to even people who act they are sleeping like our corrupt politician’s.

I.e. it right when everyone says success a many fathers failure has none. When economy is booming even the Information Minister or Public Welfares or Labour Minister boosts about how they were instrumental in the success of the economy. In depression everyone points their fingers to the Finance Minister & PMO.

I know I have gone completely off the track from what is started.

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